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Write For Us

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Share Your Insights

The CRO Club exists to help solve the challenges CROs face day-to-day. We want to hear from experts on what’s worked, where the industry is heading, and the skills modern CROs need to succeed in SaaS. That’s where you come in. If you have a great framework, a hot take on a “best practice,” or anything else worth sharing with your CRO peers, submit a pitch. We can’t wait to see what’s on your mind.

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Submission Essentials

While we don’t expect you to submit a polished graduate thesis, we do ask that you provide one or more of the following for your article to be accepted:

  • A rough draft of an article
  • A partial article draft that’s been thoughtfully organized
  • A short pitch (~2 paragraphs summarizing your idea/argument, and why it matters to our readers) along with an outline
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The most successful submissions are those that:

  • Are written with a strong voice that is bold and human
  • Have a clear thesis or argument
  • Are written for our audience of revenue operations professionals
  • Include supporting data/statistics and personal experience insights

We’re less focused on the length of your article than we are on you offering a unique, thought-provoking, controversial, and/or newsworthy perspective that will resonate with our audience.

Please complete the submission form below. We prefer submissions that are shared as a Google document (please do not send Word documents). Thank you!

Your name*

Please review our full submission guidelines above. Submissions must include at least one of the following:

  • A rough draft of an article
  • A partial article draft that's been thoughtfully organized
  • A short pitch (~2 paragraphs summarizing your idea/argument, and why it matters to our readers) along with an outline
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